
Dealing with Microaggressions and Burnout: Embracing Softness and Grace as a Strong Black Woman

  Introduction: The Struggles of a Strong Black Woman Being a Black woman in the workplace comes with unique challenges, including dealing with microaggressions and burnout. Despite taking short-term disability to address these issues, the struggle persists. Returning to work with hope for change, the supervisor still fails to provide psychological safety, while others receive growth and development opportunities. It's disheartening to witness colleagues without comparable achievements receiving promotions and recognition while being unfairly labeled as aggressive and combative. The constant demand to do more than peers adds an overwhelming burden to an already challenging journey. Black women are often celebrated for their strength, but they deserve softness, compassion, and grace just like anyone else.   Dealing with Microaggressions: The Weight of Emotional Labor Microaggressions can be subtle, yet profoundly hurtful, interactions that target one's race, gender, or e
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